Greetings of Shalom! Thanks for stopping by.

i am a man called Gevar.

Presently, i am in hot pursuit of what i am affectionately calling “Project E.I.R.” i guess you could say that i have reached the last stage of ‘becoming’ and will soon be manifesting my true self.


In 2009, i lie face down on the floor in my office at Ms. Judy’s house and i ‘shua’d’ (cried out) to Abba. i remember telling him that i didn’t really care where it took i, but i wanted to know truth.


At the cost of just about everything i ever had, ever achieved and ever accumulated i now feel as though i am in possession of truth and am now doggedly pursuing REMEDY!

i seek to help others. i list resources for free and i will continue to do so. It’s entirely up to the seeker, how much knowledge you will acquire and i have no control over that.

i am available for consult for a small fee. By ‘consult’, i imply document preparation, basic instructions on how to pursue your own path to freedom. i am not affiliated with any group any longer aside from the “Nation of the Amnesty Coalition”. We have NO citizens. Only Ambassadors and our mission is simply to clear up confusion that has existed by providing clear definitions to all the terms used by our captors to trip us up. We are also committed to the abolition of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This is the most racist, evil, deceptive piece of legislation ever foisted(unlawfully) on the American People and it made slaves of us all. It must be obliterated!

At some point, i will likely set up the framework for a sovereign Nation of followers of YHWH, stuck here in Babylon, awaiting the promised regathering in the acharit hayamim! (latter days)


Until then, it’s all about action. Taking back that which was unlawfully appropriated from i by my loving occupying military defacto governing force aka ‘United States”; a foreign belligerent corporation merely posing as the government of America.

Equity Interest Recovery! if u don’t know what that means yet, visit my “Mission” page, watch my video, subscribe to my YT channel and begin digging in!

I’m here to help! Shalom, shalom!